Mefford CIA Review Course

Eliminate Test Anxiety
Increase Your Confidence
Pass in 90-Days or Less
Pass Each CIA Exam the First Time! Guaranteed Results!
Video-Based Learning So You Don’t Have to Read Another Boring, Confusing Book or Waste Your Time with Practice Questions.
Proven, Effective Study Method So You Can Quit Wasting Your Time Studying, Eliminate Anxiety, Pass the Exams, Get Promoted, and Get on With Your Life.
If you are like most people studying for the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) exam, I’m sure:
- you find reading the study materials confusing and boring
- you have a hard time finding the time to study consistently
- you are unsure if you are prepared to pass the exam
- you can’t understand why you aren’t passing the exams
- you have a lot of test anxiety and are afraid you won’t pass next time
- you may be held back in your career because you aren’t certified
If you are struggling to pass the exams, you’re probably saying to yourself:
- If I just study more, I’ll pass this next time … but that’s not working
- If I just do more practice questions, I’ll know the right answer … but that’s not working
- If I read the materials over and over again, I’ll pass next time … but that’s not working
Aren’t you fed up and tired of not passing?
The fact that you are on this webpage means you are ready to stop feeling that way, want a better option, and are ready to do what it takes to pass the exams! You are in the right place.
I want you to go back to the last time you failed the CIA exam. How did you feel??
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to never feel like that again??
I’ve found most people struggle with the same few things. What’s holding you back is your subconscious mindset and how you study.
Here’s some misconceptions you may believe and why they are so dangerous:
Putting in more hours of ineffective studying (reading books) probably won’t do much except make you frustrated and exhausted.
Doing more practice questions will actually give you a false sense of being prepared for the exams.
You’ve already invested in materials, and just want to keep using what you have, but they aren’t working, right? … so it’s time to invest in something new.
How much more time and money are you going to waste using ineffective study methods?
If you keep believing these misconceptions and doing the same things that aren’t working, won’t you probably continue to failing the exams?
Once you break free of these misconceptions, use effective study methods, and get the help you deserve, you will be on the path to success.
“I passed all 3 exams on my first attempt (within 6 months) using the Mefford CIA Review Course. Getting my CIA also allowed me to get a new position as Head of Internal Audit” – Husam
If what you’re doing isn’t working, it’s time for a different approach.
How the Mefford CIA Review Course is an Effective Study Method and Different Approach that Works!
Easy to use recorded video lectures.
Receive the same information as if you were in an in-person course. You see the same slides and hear the same lectures, but have the opportunity to watch the videos as many times as you need until you learn the information.
And since watching videos is 5X more effective and a quicker learning experience than reading a book, you won’t waste time reading the same things again and again.
“Having a lecture with slides is really motivating, makes one feel like they are in an actual class and keeps my attention.” – Terry
Flexibility to study any where, any time, on any device.
You don’t have to block out time during your work day, or travel and be away from your friends and family to attend classes on online webinars. You can learn on your phone, tablet, or computer and the learning management system keeps track of your progress, so you know exactly where you are in the material. Each video is between 5-30 minutes, so you can study for only a few minutes or longer based on your busy schedule.
“I really appreciated the flexibility of this course.” – John
Tools to help you learn more quickly and retain more of the information.
You can also choose an option to receive a bonus Multi-Sensory Learning course to improve your learning from only 10% retention to almost 70% retention by using this proprietary study methodology and the videos.
You also receive guidance on how to mentally prepare for the exams, since it’s as much mental as it is academic.
In fact, mindset issues are the #1 reason people fail the exams over-and-over again. You will quickly learn how to overcome those mindset challenges, eliminate test anxiety, and feel more confident and positive. You will have access to tools like self hypnosis meditations to change your subconscious mindset.
“Your program was an integral part for me passing the CIA exams!” – Dani
Support and encouragement through your CIA journey.
Access to most other CIA Exam reviews expire after six months or a year. Your access in the course DOES NOT EXPIRE.
“I don’t know what I would’ve done without your help and support through the process.” – Larry
Eliminate test anxiety and increased confidence in your ability to pass the exams.
The CIA Exams are as much mental as they are academic. You will understand how to increase your confidence through mindset work so you can easily study and remember the information when you take the exams. You will feel your test anxiety melt away and your confidence increase.
“I failed the exams many times and was about to give up. I had so much anxiety about studying and taking the exams that it was driving me crazy. My anxiety went away when I found Jason’s course.” – Lisa
The Mefford CIA Exam Self-Study Review Courses Include:
- Videos for all exam topics
- Downloadable slide deck
- Lifetime access to course
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- CPE certificate
- Less test anxiety
- Get started now:
DISCOUNT – All 3 CIA Part Courses + 90-Day CIA Success Plan + Additional Bonuses
- CIA Part 1 Course
- CIA Part 2 Course
- CIA Part 3 Course
- 90-Day CIA Success Plan (step by step instructions for how to study so you can complete each part in 90 days or less)
- Multi-Sensory Learning Course (how to increase your retention from 10% to 70% so you remember when taking the exams)
- Self Hypnosis Meditation Audios and Affirmations (sub-conscious reprograming audios by a world-class hypnotherapist specifically for CIA exam so you feel more confident and eliminate test anxiety)

If you want different results, you have to take different actions.
What will it would cost, if you pass the exams?
What is the stress and anxiety costing you?
- What if you are passed over for promotion again because you are not certified?
- What if you have to take the exams multiple times? ($250 test fee + hundreds of study hours)
- What if you have to tell your friends, family, and boss you didn’t pass the exams … again?
- What if you have to spend another 2-3 YEARS of your life studying?
So what choice are you going to make??
Do you want to keep doing things the same way, with the same results? Or are you ready to take a different approach and get different results?
Do you want some help, or do you want to keep doing it alone, by yourself?
The choice is entirely up to you.
Did you know certified individuals earn up to 40% more than those without a certification? That usually translates into a $10,000 – $30,000+ increase in your annual compensation.
Wouldn’t you like to earn an additional $300,000+ over your career?
Would investing now be worth an additional $300,000 over your career? Of course it would!
And it’s not about the money, it’s about whether you are committed to your career.
Image what an additional $300,000 would do for you and your family.
When you are ready to invest in yourself, the Mefford CIA Review Course is exactly right for you.
Instructor – Jason Mefford
You may be asking:
“Who is this Jason Mefford guy and how can he help me?”
“Does this really work, and will is help me pass the first time?”
I have been in your shoes.
I passed all four parts of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exams in 6 months, the first time, using this method. I was a full-time student finishing my undergraduate degree, working 30+ hours a week and was married with a small child. It can be done.
I passed all 3 parts of the CIA exam in 4 months, the first time, using this method. I was a new Chief Audit Executive (CAE) working 50+ hours a week and was married with 4 small children. It can be done.
I don’t share my story to brag, but to show you it can be done when you are committed and have the right tools and resource. I was committed, had the tools, and knew I only had to “make” the time to get it done. I didn’t have any other choice.
Now I want to share those tools and resources with you, that helped me pass the first time, and have helped hundreds of other people pass the first time.
And they are tools and resources you won’t find anywhere else, since they are the mental and psychological tools and proprietary learning processes I’ve developed over decade of coaching top performers.
I’ve even had students pass all 3 parts of the exam in 6 months using this method, and you can do it too!
I’ve taught CIA review courses all over the world and have helped hundreds of people pass the CIA exam. In fact, over 90% who take this course and follow the instructions pass the first time!
But don’t take my word for it! Read what others have said about the program on this webpage.
Join the CIA® Exam Discussion Group on LinkedIn
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How long does it take to pass all 3 of the CIA exams?
A: Each person is different. On average people spend between 80-100 hours studying for each part of the exam and pass in 1-3 years. I have had some students pass all 3 parts within 6 months using this course, and think most people can do it in 1 year. With this program you can pass each exam in 90-days or less. When you register, you receive a study plan calculator, and step-by-step process to help you plan your path.
Q: How do I pay?
A: You pay directly for the courses using a credit card.
Q: Can I Use a Company Purchasing Card to Pay?
A: Yes. Register the name and e-mail of the individual who will be taking the course, and when you check out enter the billing information for the purchasing card holder.
Q: What if I need to register more than one member of my team?
A: You will need to register each person separately for the course and then use your purchasing card to make the payment for each person at checkout. If you need to use your company’s account payable department to make payment, just Contact Us .
Q: Do you offer payment options?
A: There may be different payment options depending on if you want to pay in one payment or over several months. Pricing options ares included on the Registration Page prior to checkout.
Q: What if I need my company to pay directly through accounts payable?
A: If you need to use your company’s account payable department to make payment, just Contact Us and I’ll send you an invoice your company can use to make payment. Once I receive payment from your company, I will manually register you in the course. You will not have access to the course materials until payment is received.